Has anyone heard of problems on the beaches around fort myers and/or sanibel island during June? I heard rumors that June was the worst month for visiting the beaches here. I think this had to do with red tide or sand fleas, etc. but I really do not know.
Anyway, we are trying to book a family trip down to ft meyers beach in June and wanted to hear from somebody who really knows about the beaches here and if June is an okay month to visit.
Thanks! Jon
red tide, sand fleas, beaches during June
June is a great time to visit. Red tide is not a seasonal thing - there are many factors causing red tide, and we haven%26#39;t had a recent outbreak. Many (including me) think that this is because there have been no water releases from Lake O into our waters. I have never been bothered by sand fleas here. That is not to say that neither COULD happen - it%26#39;s always possible. But I think the odds are in your favor.
The weather right now is beautiful. Expect 80-90 degrees, sunny days and the omnipresent possibility of afternoon thunderstorms.
I am looking out my window at clear blue sky and the glistening aquamarine gulf. I just came back from running some errands in town, and was so distracted by the gulf colors I nearly ran off the bridge :-) The beaches are not crowded, nor are the shops and restaurants. Come on down!
red tide, sand fleas, beaches during June
Thanks - we have made a reservation for one week at the Pink shells hotel in Ft. meyers beach. Looking forward to our stay.