I understand how it works if one child is too young to ride - but what about if one parent is too scared? The children will be 9 and 8 when we go - both are keen on trying the %26#39;big thrill%26#39; rides but both want to sit next to me for moral support and hand holding - and most rides seem to seat two side by side. Husband isn%26#39;t good with heights so there are some rides he doesn%26#39;t want to go on. Can he wait with my daughter while I go on with my son, and then swap and wait with my daughter while my son and I ride? Or is that abusing a system designed to help those with young children rather that those families with a scaredy-cat dad?!
Many thanks
Parent swap / child swap
The system is designed for people who are traveling with children too small for the ride-I don%26#39;t think people would let you cut ahead even if your husband was waiting at the head of the line-but it wouldn%26#39;t hurt to explain the situation to a Disney Cast Member and ask. there%26#39;s always exceptions to the rules.