Apart from Mickey and friends have you ever met anybody famous and what was your reaction?
My 2 younger daughters are hoping to bump into Miley Cyrus (Hannah Montana) or Zac Efron (Troy - HSM) whilst we are in Orlando and they are already planning what they are going to say to them.
Just wondering if anyone else has had an experience.
Have you ever met someone famous?
well...being a Green Bay Packer fan...Brett Farve was there last week, but we wern%26#39;t...bummer. A lady I know who was there at the time didn%26#39;t get to see him either, but I%26#39;m sure someone on the TA had to have known.
My little 4 year old daughter would love to meet ';Hannah Montana'; and ';Troy'; too!
Anyone else?
Have you ever met someone famous?
I saw the guy from %26#39;Full House%26#39; at Universal Studios in Hollywood a few years back!!
I know you%26#39;re all impressed really LOL!
I talked to Stone Cold Steve Austin
I thought I saw Tim McGraw at MGM last year, but turns out it was a look alike!! I really did think it was him though!
Yes I have but never at Disney :( The closest was Johnny Whittaker. We saw him at the Magic Kingdom years ago when he was filming Tom Sawyer for Disney.(I can see the google button going now). I did have the opportunity to say hello to Tiger Woods at a function at the Hyatt Grand Cypress eight or so years ago. I have a signed golf ball someplace.
Look-a-likes...wow, when we went to MNSSHP in October 06, wow, the pirate on the ship float sure looked like a dead ringer for Johnny Depp...I almost climbed the float! LOL
DC7 - How could I forget about that one!! I will say I certainly agree with you because I thought the same thing at the MNSSHP - and almost did the same thing you did!! Enjoy your trip:)
I worked in Hollywood for six years and have met more famous people than I can count. Seriously, I started to keep track of them in a notebook and just got tired of dragging it out every three minutes. When you live out there, you see celebs everywhere. It helped that I worked on a TV show that had a lot of special guests, but you didn%26#39;t have to be in the industry to see the celebs.
On one day in L.A., I saw the woman who played Nelly Olson on Little House on the Prairie at the grocery store, stood next to John Lovitz at the Hamburger Haven when I was getting lunch, and saw Jennifer Aniston at an Irish pub where she had come to see her boyfriend at the time, Tate Donovan, play in an Irish folk band.
My favorite story involves standing on set with two of the cast members from my show. I am around 6%26#39;2'; and the two cast members were 6%26#39;3'; and 6%26#39;5';. John Cleese - who is 6%26#39;5'; - walked up and stood with us while we were talking. After a moment he said, ';It%26#39;s so nice to be among people of proper size.';
Before I went out to Hollywood, I did meet the wrestler Ole Anderson at the Shoney%26#39;s where I worked. He ordered the soup and salad bar. One of the other waitresses - a big wrestling fan who didn%26#39;t like him - told me to tell him, ';We also serve steak, you big pansy.';
Needless to say, I didn%26#39;t.
thanks for the replies - great posts although I don%26#39;t know some of the names mentioned but I%26#39;m enjoying reading them - keep them coming.